Please see below for links to articles, Youtube content and suggested books that have either influenced this work and/or provide greater understanding into what is offered:
Peter Smith - Quantum Consciousness Experience
Studies Show We Can Heal With Sound, Frequency & Vibration
Could Consciousness All Come Down To The Way Things Vibrate?
Through Space & Time, We Hold the Power To Our Own Greatness
Shamans Believe Mental Health is Something Else Entirely
Resonance: Beings of Frequency
Suggested Reading List:
Expand Your Consciousness - David Miller
Quantum Consciousness: Journey Through Other Realms - Peter Smith
The Holographic Universe - Michael Talbot
The DNA Field And The Law of Resonance - Pierre Franckh
Journey of Souls - Michael Newton
Destiny of Souls - Michael Newton
Vibrational Healing - Richard Gerber
The Biology Of Belief - Bruce Lipton
The Divine Matrix - Gregg Braden
Fifth-Dimensional Soul Psychology - David K. Miller
Heal Your Body - Louise Hay
Power Versus Force - David Hawkins
The Power Of Intention - Wayne Dyer
The New Human - Mary Rodwell
Spiritual Growth - Sanaya Roman
Living With Joy - Sanaya Roman
Your Soul's Plan - Robert Schwartz
Quantum Success - Christy Whitman
Seth Speaks - Jane Roberts
Stealing Fire - Steven Kotler